Nay’s Commissions

Here you will find the information about what I don’t draw and how will the commission process will be, however, if you still have doubts you may contact me through my Discord account !Please read the Terms & Conditions at the end of the page !

Terms & Conditions !

  • I have the right to refuse / turn down any commission request.

  • Full price upfront is required for me to begin your commission request [I’ve dealt with too many people ditching after the sketch, so please think before you commission me].

  • There won’t be any refunds after the sketching stage is completed.

  • If there are several changing decisions around the sketching stage, an additional fee is required.

  • The drawing may be used for personal use, never to be used for commercial purposes.

  • If the client does not reply when asked several times about their commission details [Ghosting] I may decide to cancel the order at any point.

  • All the artwork I do for clients is still mine, so please give credit when used ( Ex: Pfp made by NayWade )

  • I wont copy or "draw a similar" artstyle from other artists.

Nay’s Commissions

Here you will find how I price my Drawings based on the amount of body parts.
Please keep in mind the additional fee for additional characters !

Prices !

I’m willing to accept Nitro as a form of payment too !

  • Nitro - 1 Month ! / $10