Nay’s Commissions
Here you will find the information about what I don’t draw and how will the commission process will be, however, if you still have doubts you may contact me through my Discord account !Please read the Terms & Conditions at the end of the page !
Terms & Conditions !
I have the right to refuse / turn down any commission request.
Full price upfront is required for me to begin your commission request [I’ve dealt with too many people ditching after the sketch, so please think before you commission me].
There won’t be any refunds after the sketching stage is completed.
If there are several changing decisions around the sketching stage, an additional fee is required.
The drawing may be used for personal use, never to be used for commercial purposes.
If the client does not reply when asked several times about their commission details [Ghosting] I may decide to cancel the order at any point.
All the artwork I do for clients is still mine, so please give credit when used ( Ex: Pfp made by NayWade )
I wont copy or "draw a similar" artstyle from other artists.
Nay’s Commissions
Here you will find how I price my Drawings based on the amount of body parts.
Please keep in mind the additional fee for additional characters !